You know how you're never completely satisfied with a certain project? This was one of them. I kept wanting to tweak it a just a little more, no matter how tedious it was. At some point you just have to stop though. I guess that point is called a deadline. The materials and tools I used for this stage were tweezers, toothpicks, superglue, a million Xacto blades and a crap-ton of shaky-hand syndrome. While I was finalizing the stage in studio I felt myself go numb and weak. It was the strangest feeling because I couldn't even smile even if I tried. I was about to faint. It was a combination of 24 hours of no rest, 5 hour energy drinks, super glue huffing and lack of food. I had Alyson run to the vending machine and she came back with salty nuts. Felt better, drove home (felt like my car was floating; I was definitely a road hazard.) and slept for a couple hours before heading back to finish up.
I didn't know this one was yours; well done, Jess. Looks like it photographs pretty well, too.